Ni de bon tros hem estat tot aquest temps de vacances!!! Ja ens agradaria, ja... Tornem a la rutina, al rellotge, a les presses del matí, i es que costa tant llevar-se per fer l'esmorçar, tot i que el nostre esmorçar requereix poca feina: cereals, iogurt, galetes, madalena, café amb llet i herbes digestives... quina barreixa! Si ens haguessim de llevar més d'hora per fer el típic esmorçar americà, no sé si ho aconseguiriem! De tota manera, alguna vegada ho hem fet, durant el cap de setmana, es clar, o bé quan som d'hotel, i està força bé. Però quan arriba l'hora de dinar, s'enten que amb un petit entrepà enllesteixin i tornin a la feina. No com nosaltres que podem passar-nos fins a 3 hores per dinar! Per un americà o un anglès o per qualsevol europeu és d'alló més extrany.
Sempre que he viatjat fora d'Espanya, aquest és un tema que m'ha cridat l'atenció. Durant l'ultim viatge a Vienna, varem poder comprovar com n'és d'útil aquest horari i aquesta forma de menjar. Tenint en compte que el clima és molt més fred i que el dia és curt i la nit llarga, té molt sentit aprofitar al màxim les hores de sol: aixecar-se d'hora, fer un bon esmorçar de forquilla, dinar més aviat i ràpid, treballar durant les últimes hores de llum i tornar a casa amb la família quan encara pots gaudir de la companyia dels fills i de la parella i no estàs massa cansat per seure davant el televisor i empassar-te tot allò que et volen col.locar (sobretot anuncis i més anuncis).
Però justament, si hi ha alguna cosa que ens diferencia de la resta d'europeus o d'altres paisos més llunyans, és aquest meravellós clima, aquest solet que ens escalfa, fins is tot alguns dies d'hivern, aquestes tardors suaus que només requereixen una jaqueteta al matí o al vespre, aquests bolets i figues i d'altres fruits i menjars típics de tardor i que fan que els nostres dinars s'allarguin fins a 3 hores... i es que no hi ha res millor que un bon menjar, bona companyia, bon solet i un bon vi!
A gaudir de la vida, que són 4 dies!!! Salut!!!
We haven't been all this time on holidays, it just took me a while to write another post! We are going back to routine, morning hurry, watches.. It's so hard to get up early in the morning and get breakfast ready. Although our breakfast is the simpliest of all: Coffee and milk, digestive herbs, biscuits... what a mixture! If we had to get up earlier to prepare a typical american breakfast, I doubt we could do it. However, there's been some times when we have had eggs and bacon in the morning, but always on weekends or at hotels. And we do have enjoyed it! But whem it's time for lunch it's logical to have a little sandwich and go on with the day work. We can spend 3 hours during lunch time in a restaurant, eating and talking! For Americans or British or Europe citycens in general is very strange to spend so much time during working hours.
When I've been traveling around, this is something that has surprised me. During our last trip to Vienna we could see how suitable is this timing. Having in mind that climate is much colder and days are shorter and nights longer, it makes a lot of sense to take profit out of sunlight hours: get up early in the morning, have a strong fork breakfast, have lunch earlier and faster and back to work until it gets dark, then you are able to be at home and enjoy some time with the family, not too tired to become a part of the sofa and swallow all the comercials tv shows.
But, if there is something that makes us different from the rest of the europeans and from other countries further away is this beautiful climate, this sun that warms us up even during some winter days, these smooth falls that let you be warm with a thin jacket, these mushrooms and figgs and all the fruits and meals typical of the season which are the reason for having 3 hour lunches... There is nothing better than a good meal, good company, sunny day and a good wine!
Lets enjoy life... it's only 4 days long (as we say here)!!! Cheers!!!
1 comentari:
Hi, I was just updating my blog and checking my comments and noticed you here! I thought I'd check out your blog and find out who I know from Spain. I have yet to figure that one out but it's pretty cool how this internet thing connects us all over the world. Thanks for checking out my blog and feel free to come back. It sounds like you have some interesting stuff going on in your life as well!
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