Avui, els camps ja eren color daurat, les espigues de blat per segar, i el bosc ja no tenia el verd intens de començament de primavera. La pols era sobre les fulles de les alzines i roures i els pins es veien més apagats. No ens em trobat amb cap senglar pel camí, tot i que no seria extrany, enguany els boscos en són plens i no vull ni pensar en qué hagués fet l'Alegre si al mig del camí li surt un senglar seguit per les seves cries. Enlloc d'aixó, en un revolt han aparegut un grup de gossos petits acompanyats pel seu amo, que semblava estar assaborint una estona de pau i de vistes.
Ain't they beautiful? And so different... each horse has its own character, they can be , nervous, quiet, calmful, some of them are more fearful than others, some are a pain in the ass (literally, they go trying to bite the former horse's ass), others keep on eating everything in the path that looks green. However, either this way or the other a horse is an animal that always arises my respect and admiration, also a bit of fear because they are so big and strong and have these tooth and also these musseled legs. I talk to them softly (like in the movies do) trying to make friends with them but some react ok to the words in the ear and some think that you are a brand new pupil and try to pull your leg all the time.
Today, the fields are golden, the ears ready to collect and the forest doesn't have that light green anymore. The leaves of the oak trees remain full of dust waiting for the next rain and the green of the path has becomed yellow. We didn't see any wild boars in our way, eventhough would not be rare because this year there's lots of them in the forests... I don't want to think what would Alegre have done if a female followed by some cubs would have crossed the path. Instead of that, suddenly in a bend, some small dogs have appeared followed by an old man who seemed to be tasting the peace and the views.
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